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Bookbinding Workshops

Bookbinding has always been taught by doing and the tradition of master, journeyman and apprentice endures in the spirit of workshop learning.


Students should learn to work with the tools, watch the methods and lay their hands on the materials. 


I offer single-day workshops exploring the foundational forms, stitches, sewings, and materials of bookbinding. 


I often teach at  the Georgian Bay school for the Arts.


Looking for an upcoming workshop? Check out my blog for all the current classes!

Long Stitch

Popular since the 1500s, the Long Stitch is a foundation of western style bookbinding

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Sewn Board

The Sewn Board binding, invented by Gary Frost, is a wonderfull lay-flat book for writing. 


This is a rare book conservation binding, but the decorative possibilities made it hugely popular.

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